Friday, November 2, 2012


I had to make some hot chocolate after work the other day.

All day at work, while I sat at my desk, I was secretly kind of cold (if any of my co-workers are reading this - don't tell Sue - ha ha)!  You see, there is a constant battle at work with the thermostat.  The three of us that sit along the wall are always hot and have little fans on our desks and the rest of the room are always cold and have space heaters under their desks.  

I never get cold at work, but as people were coming in and out of the door all day long and letting in the cool breeze, I found myself slightly chilly.

This hot chocolate was rich and creamy and delicious.  The toasted marshmallows were such a fun addition, rather than just plain mallows.  P.S. . . on a little side note . . . when you are broiling the marshmallows, make sure to watch them very very closely and don't put them too close to the broiler or they may catch on fire.  Don't ask me how I know this, just trust me :)  

2 Tbl. butter, melted
2 graham crackers, crushed
4 c. whole milk (I used 1%)
2 (4 oz.) milk chocolate bars, broken into chunks
8-12 large marshmallows
chocolate syrup
4 mugs

Place melted butter in a small, shallow dish that is as large around as your mugs.  Place crushed graham crackers in another dish of the same size.  Flip your mugs upside-down and dip the rim first in melted butter and then in the crushed graham crackers; set aside.  Add the milk to a medium saucepan and heat on medium-low.  When it is  starting to get warm, add the chocolate chunks.  Whisk frequently to keep the chocolate from burning and getting stuck to the bottom of the pan.  Meanwhile, place the marshmallows on a parchment lined baking sheet.  Place under the broiler in the oven on low.  Watch constantly and remove from the oven when toasted and browned.  Once the chocolate is completely melted and well incorporated into the milk and it reaches desired temperature, pour into a container with a pour spout (this will help you divide it between the cups easier and keep your graham cracker rimmed cup looking pretty).  Divide mixture between four mugs.  Top each with 2 or 3 toasted marshmallows and drizzle with chocolate syrup.  Serves 4.

Jenn's Notes:  I used 1% milk and I still think it turned out thick and creamy.  It is very rich and a 1 cup serving was plenty.  

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